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Celebrate My Birthday Early My Date of Birth At The City Square 0n 21 July 2011

Hye kali ny,aq nk kongsi birhday aku taon ny,sbena nyer birthday aku 31 july 2011,tpy bulan puase da dekat kn??,so aq takot tak sepat nk sambot gan kwn2 so aku ambek 21 july 2011,sabot gan best friend aku jerr.hehe
DOMO?? Sape nk Domo?? hehe

yeahh,,Transformer Dark Of The Moon ^^

oh my!! nk pegy mner?? ^^

wow!! ader filem la kat atas uh..hehe


pink to???

adek aku musty suke klaw dpt patong merepek ny..hahaha

angry??? or angry bird?? haha