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Wednesday 14 March 2012

gah kira gaji miggu =.=' bleh lah tahan..

gah planing duet2 nk pgy mne stiap hary,n gah planing nk pgy mne kt kL uhh, any way i'm so excited go to kL at 18/3 - 20/3 blek sudah =.='
21 nye plak ambek result.bgos lah sgt2 =.=' kusut,,anyway harap2 plan ny menjady ...amin!!

spoil!!! laa

 time gah climax la ko bwat hal nye pangung,gah sedap2 kte owng tgok ceter ADNAN SEMPIT 2 bleh ko behenti plak "rosak??" buang aje film uhh..dah lahh byar mahal..puihhh laaa.. >,<'

Sunday 4 March 2012

selasih restaurant family,the last day I was arriving at the venue

where I worked in 2 for 1 month, many studies conforms aqexperience can be for a month, they are so fun

menu at month 3, but I can take care of the menu viewed in month 3for 3 days je for this menu in early months 3 .. huhu

Selasih family restaurant, this time I joined the 2012 bowling tournamentsponsored by the PESADA, DAUGHTER OF HOTEL .. PANPACIFIC during this three days before I stopped working at the mostbeautiful memories .. ^ ^

CAPTAIN waiter and waitress here in the restaurant Selasih she doestake the weight of article workers, if employees do wrong with onceshe got angry with the big bossanyway she knows what she pleasedproblems for workers and talking. 

 as "Macha" talk
"bos xder aq lah bos" haha
and on the last day of me and he took the coat and wear it without the knowledge of boss boss ^ ^
lolz =. = '